Looking for a new job can easily feel overwhelming. Let our best practices help guide your search and refine how you present your strengths and weaknesses.

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When a new role opens up, it’s often viewed through one of two lenses: as a growth opportunity or as a position that demands stability and reliability - an [...]
There’s nothing more frustrating than feeling like you’re qualified for jobs, interviewing, and then not receiving any offers. Our founder, Mark Phillips, gives some insights as to why that may [...]
We’ve talked about red flags about candidates for companies that are hiring, but what about the other side of the coin? There can be red flags for candidates regarding companies [...]
It seems we chat daily with candidates about resumes—what they should contain, how they should be improved, and what hiring managers really want to see—so we thought we would take [...]
As recruiters, sometimes we see behaviors that make us question whether or not we want to work with someone or refer them to one of our client companies. These red [...]
No one wants to either deliver or receive bad news, but it’s one of those unavoidable parts of life, especially for hiring managers, although even for job seekers. So how [...]
Changing careers used to have a stigma—In the past, lots of changes on your resume might have made you seem unreliable and as a less-desirable employee—but that’s no longer the [...]
People often ask if it’s a good time of year to be hiring or looking or not. There are seasonal movements within the edtech industry, but the short answer is [...]
As we mentioned in our post about interviewing best practices, we can’t count the number of times a hiring manager has told us that an interviewee lacked specific details in [...]
Whether you’re a hiring manager or a job seeker, a good job interview consists of 3 Acts: Act 1: Discovery - really open-ended and a chance for the interviewer to [...]
Sometimes two equally appealing opportunities come along at the same time. No two offers are ever truly identical, but as an academic exercise, let’s pretend they are. Where is there [...]
What is a recruiter? Should you use one? How can a recruiter help you? At the most basic level, a recruiter is someone who helps an individual find the right [...]