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The following job description outlines the typical role and responsibilities of a product director with reports at an EdTech company. Current actual job descriptions of open positions across EdTech can [...]
The following job description outlines the typical role and responsibilities of an individual contributor in the product department at an EdTech company. Current actual job descriptions of open positions across [...]
The following job description outlines the typical role and responsibilities of manager of managers in sales at an EdTech company. Current actual job descriptions of open positions across EdTech can [...]
The following job description outlines the typical role and responsibilities of a manager in a sales position at an EdTech company. Current actual job descriptions of open positions across EdTech [...]
The following job description outlines the typical role and responsibilities of an individual contributor in a sales position at an EdTech company. Current job descriptions of open positions across EdTech [...]
Shared language is more powerful than most people realize. With that, it is good practice to start your DEI initiative with a conversation about what DEI signifies to each [...]
So you want to be more diverse… Do you have what it takes to increase the diversity of your team in healthy, supportive ways? True diversity is a tall order [...]
At HireEducation we are finding that nearly 100% of our recent clients are highlighting a desire to increase diversity on their teams. We applaud and support companies who value [...]
Interview prep is not just for candidates! In today’s market, hiring managers must consider how they will attract and secure their ideal candidates as much as candidates need to think [...]
“The only constant in life is change” -Heraclitus No matter where you are in a company, your career there is unpredictable. Call to mind 10 different decision-makers at your place [...]
We get it, interviews can be stressful. They are your main chance to determine if you are a fit for the job. While there are lots of things you should [...]